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What We Learned from Working with Atlantic Aviation

...Department of Aviation to evaluate building plans. As much as clients have the final say on how the final space should look and feel, so does the DOA. For example,...

How Do Companies Leasing Office Space Consider and Champion Sustainability?

Championing sustainability in your new workspace offers countless benefits to your team. You can reduce costs, increase productivity, improve brand image, and attract new employees, clients, and investors. So, how...

FAQs for Owner-Occupied Property in Greater Philadelphia Region involved as much as they want or are willing to. Take a look at one of our owner-occupier clients, who recently sold their building to relocate. Case Study: Owner-Occupier...

Modernizing & Optimizing Tenneco’s Office Space & Science Lab

Tenneco’s goal was to modernize and optimize their 20,000 sq. ft. office space and 6,000 sq. ft. science lab to create a supportive and desirable workplace environment for employees, for...

5 Inspiring Office Renovation Ideas for 2021

...customer, Entech, a software company based in Malvern, Pa., wanted their space to reflect their company culture and attract future clients. We built them an open-concept space with high-tech elements....