December 30, 2015
How to Transition to a more Modern Office Design
Whether you call it a design revolution or the inevitable “turn of the tides,” businesses of all sizes have been completely revamping their offices designs over the past several years. And for good reason.
The reported workplace values of today’s employees haven’t changed as much as they’ve expanded. People are now expecting more from their jobs than ever before. Not only do they want their jobs to be financially and personally rewarding, but they also want to work in comfortable environments that feel good.
Put simply, today’s employee sees work as an extension of his personal life, not just something he does to make a paycheck. The office is a place to socialize, make friends and be a part of something in service of others. Considering the aforementioned, transitioning to a modern office design isn’t just something nice to do – it’s good strategy for longterm growth. Here are 4 ways to begin transitioning your office:
Promote Mobility and Flexibility
The 53.5 million-strong Millennial Generation now makes up the largest share of the U.S. workforce. That means a lot of things, one of which is that a huge portion of your staff is accustomed to sending and receiving data at the drop of a hat. Utilize this trait to your advantage to get things done faster by designing live chat areas fully equipped with technological devices and/or outlets.
Surprisingly, data shows most millennials prefer communicating face to face over their mobile devices. By including small “breakout” areas in your office, you can support employees in the technological multitasking that comes naturally to them.
Bring In Open Seating
Break away from the traditional idea that every employee needs his own desk. With more and more data being stored in the cloud, and many office workers choosing to use mobile devices (ie. laptops, smartpads and phones), having a clunky desk just looks more and more silly. The concept of open seating allows employees to choose where they work at any given time.
On Monday, George might choose to work at a shared workbench with co-workers, easing himself into the workweek. By Friday, he might be putting the finishing touches on a large project and feel more comfortable working in a privacy enclave (or even at home). Furthermore, common storage solutions can be constructed to make up for the “lost storage” of individual desk stations.
Provide a Fun Break Area
From a design perspective, the break area is your chance to really get creative. Some of the amenities you will typically find in a modern break-room include couches, lounge seating, televisions and kitchenettes. More elaborate concepts can include gaming consoles, sports set-ups and full kitchens. The sky is the limit.
Just make sure your break area actually gets used! Nothing is worse than a cool looking ping pong table that everyone is too afraid to play. Set a good example for your staff by taking a break every once in awhile yourself.
Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day; your new office doesn’t have to be either. You can begin transitioning to the aspirational version of your ideal modern office by implementing these tips.
Not sure where to start? CLICK HERE for a free consultation.